I own a shop, and what I would suggest doing is this; Remove both wheels from the back, and take off both drums by pulling them straight out. You may have to use some spray lubricate in the center to make it let go. There is a hole in the backing plate that you can put a tool into and back the adjuster off some if the shoes have cut a groove in the drum and it won't come off. If the adjuster clicks when you turn it, you are going the wrong way. Back it off enough to get the drum off. Once you get both drums off, leave one side together so you will have that to go by in order to get it back together right. If you will notice most vehicles has a short shoe, and a long shoe, so pay attention which way they go. If they are the same, then don't worry about it. You will need a spring tool, or some means of getting the springs off without knocking your teeth out with them. Pay close attention to which way the adjuster goes, as you can put it in backwards. If it is in right, when you turn the little wheel that adjusts them, you will hear a clicking noise, if not find out why its not clicking. If it doesn't, it won't adjust them when you drive backwards and apply the brakes. Adjust the shoes out until you can just get the drum on, center it up, and remove it, and adjust it some more, until it becomes a little hard to get the drum on. Put the drum on, and spin the wheel while turning the adjuster with a tool. Do this just until there is some drag on the wheel, and it is done. Before you install the new shoes, make sure the drums don't have a big groove worn in them, if so they must be resurfaced or replaced. Use some brake cleaner to clean the drums, and any dirt you may get on the new shoes, before you do the final installation. Also when they are apart, pull back the rubber boot on the cylinders to make sure they are dry, if not they may need to be replace too. The best thing to do, is have someone with you that has done drum brakes before to help out. This is a pretty difficult job, and on a scale of 1-10, I would rate it about an 8, so you can see its not a job just anyone can do without some knowledge of how to do it. A good site to go to (that will help you) is; www.howstuffworks.com and type in drum brakes.
Glad to help out, Good Luck!!!
How do I change ford drum brake shoes[2002,e-150]?
Take off the wheel, then take off the drum. take a lot of picktures to remember where all the springs get attached to. Simply remove everything, and then change the shoes. Then replace all the springs and drum and put the wheel back on.