Wednesday, 21 September 2011

My drum brakes are making a knocking noise when apply.?

i just change them. it only doing it on the driver side. new drums and shoes.
My drum brakes are making a knocking noise when apply.?
As already mentioned, double check your installation and make sure everything is connected properly.

Another thing you may want to check is the brake backing plate, the plate that the whole assembly is mounted to.

It is usually mounted to the axle with 4 bolts, if the bolts are loose, the whole plate rotates a little and knocks whenever you apply the brakes.
My drum brakes are making a knocking noise when apply.?
Did you happen to mix up the shoes? The REAR brake shoe is the LONGER shoe on each side. It is easy to mix them up and put both longs or both shorts on one side if you are not experienced. Measure the length with a tape measure to be sure. Remove the drums and compare each side to make sure you got all clips, and springs on correctly. Did you slack the parking brake cable to release tension?
remove and check to be sure no parts are loose.